13. S Ahadian, JA Finbloom, M Mofidfar, SE Diltemiz, ... MM Stevens, TA Desai, A Khademhosseini. Micro and nanoscale technologies in oral drug delivery. Adv. Drug Deliv. Rev. 2020, in press.
12. SH Klass, AE Truxal, TA Fiala, J Kelly, D Nguyen, JA Finbloom, DE Wemmer, A Pines, MB Francis. Rotaxane probes for the detection of hydrogen peroxide by 129Xe hyperCEST NMR. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl. 2019, 58, 9948-9953.
11. JA Finbloom*, IL Aanei*, JM Bernard*, SH Klass, SK Elledge, K Han, T Ozawa, TP Nicolaides, MS Berger, MB Francis. Evaluation of three morphologically distinct virus-like particles as nanocarriers for convection-enhanced drug delivery to glioblastoma. Nanomaterials. 2018, 8; 1007-1019 *These authors contributed equally
10. JA Finbloom, MB Francis. Supramolecular strategies for protein immobilization and modification. Curr. Opin. Chem. Biol. 2018, 46; 91-98
9. JA Finbloom, K Han, CC Slack, AL Furst, MB Francis. Cucurbit[6]uril-promoted click chemistry for protein modification. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2017, 139; 9691-9697.
8. CC Slack*, JA Finbloom*, K Jeong, CJ Bruns, DE Wemmer, A Pines, MB Francis. Rotaxane probes for protease detection by 129Xe hyperCEST NMR. Chem. Commun. 2017, 53; 1076-1079. *These authors contributed equally
7. JA Finbloom, K Han, IL Aanei, EC Hartman, DT Finley, MT Dedeo, M Fishman, KH Downing, MB Francis. Stable disk assemblies of a tobacco mosaic virus mutant as nanoscale scaffolds for applications in drug delivery. Bioconjugate Chem. 2016. 27; 2480-85
6. MD Gomes, P Dao, K Jeong, CC Slack, CC Vassiliou, JA Finbloom, MB Francis, DE Wemmer, A Pines. 129Xe NMR relaxation-based macromolecular sensing. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2016. 138; 9747-50
5. K Jeong, C Netirojjanakul, H Munch, J Sun, JA Finbloom, DE Wemmer, A Pines, MB Francis. Targeted molecular imaging of cancer cells using MS2-based 129Xe NMR. Bioconjugate Chem. 2016. 27; 1796-1801
4. JA Finbloom, CC Slack, CJ Bruns, K Jeong, DE Wemmer, A Pines, MB Francis. Rotaxane-mediated suppression and activation of cucurbit[6]uril for molecular detection by 129Xe hyperCEST NMR. Chem. Commun. 2016. 52; 3119-22
3. TJ Moyer,* JA Finbloom,* C Feng, DJ Toft, VL Cryns, SI Stupp. pH and amphiphilic structure direct supramolecular behavior in biofunctional assemblies. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2014. 136; 14746-52 *These authors contributed equally
2. H Nakashima, K Miyake, CR Clark, J Bekisz, J Finbloom, SR Husain, S Baron, RK Puri, KC Zoon. Potent antitumor effects of combination therapy with IFNs and monocytes in mouse models of established human ovarian and melanoma tumors. Cancer Immunology Immunotherapy. 2012. 61; 1081-92
1. S Baron, J Finbloom, J Horowitz, J Bekisz, A Morrow, T Zhao, S Fey, H Schmeisser, C Balinsky, K Miyake, CR Clark, KC Zoon. Near eradication of clinically relevant concentration of human tumor cells by interferon-activated monocytes in vitro. J Interferon and Cytokine Research. 2011. 31; 569-73