22. P Raghavan, CA Perez, TA Sorrentino, JC Kading, JA Finbloom#, TA Desai#. Physicochemical Design of Nanoparticles to Interface with and Degrade Neutrophil Extracellular Traps. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfac. 2025 [in press].
#Co-corresponding authors
21. RJ Peterson, RC Reed, CR Zamecnik, MA Sallam, JA Finbloom, FJ Martinez, JM Levy, A Moonwiriyakit, TA Desai, M Koval. Apical Integrins as a Switchable Target to Regulate the Epithelial Barrier. J. Cell Sci. 2024, 137, jcs263580
20. KO Rivera, DL Cuylear, VR Duke, KM O'Hara, JX Zhong, NA Elghazali, JA Finbloom, BN Kharbikar, AN Kryger, T Miclau, RS Marcucio, CS Bahney, TA Desai. Encapsulation of B-NGF in Injectable Microrods for Localized Delivery Accelerates Endochondral Fracture Repair. Front. Bioeng. Biotechnol. 2023, 11, 1190371.
19. JA Finbloom#, P Raghavan, M Kwon, BN Kharbikar, MA Yu#, TA Desai#. Codelivery of Synergistic Antimicrobials with Polyelectrolyte Nanocomplexes to Treat Bacterial Biofilms and Lung Infections. Sci Advances. 2023, 9, 8039.
#Co-corresponding authors
18. JA Finbloom, C Huynh, X Huang, TA Desai. Bioinspired Nanotopographical Design of Drug Delivery Systems. Nat. Rev. Bioeng. 2023, 1, 139–152.
17. WR Lykins, ME Hansen, X Sun, R Advincula, JA Finbloom, A Kumar Jain, Y Zala, A Ma, TA Desai. Impact of Microdevice Geometry on Transit and Retention in the Murine Gastrointestinal Tract. ACS Biomater. Sci. Eng. 2021, in press.
16. JA Finbloom, Y Cao, TA Desai. Bioinspired Polymeric High Aspect Ratio Particles with Asymmetric Janus Functionalities. Adv. NanoBiomed Res. 2021, 202000057.
15. JA Finbloom, B Demaree, AR Abate, TA Desai. Networks of High Aspect Ratio Particles to Direct Colloidal Assembly Dynamics and Cellular Interactions. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2020, 30, 2005938.
14. JA Finbloom, F Sousa, MM Stevens, TA Desai. Engineering the drug carrier biointerface to overcome biological barriers to drug delivery. Adv. Drug Deliv. Rev. 2020, 167, 89-108.
13. S Ahadian, JA Finbloom, M Mofidfar, SE Diltemiz, ... MM Stevens, TA Desai, A Khademhosseini. Micro and nanoscale technologies in oral drug delivery. Adv. Drug Deliv. Rev. 2020, 157, 37-62.
12. SH Klass, AE Truxal, TA Fiala, J Kelly, D Nguyen, JA Finbloom, DE Wemmer, A Pines, MB Francis. Rotaxane probes for the detection of hydrogen peroxide by 129Xe hyperCEST NMR. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl. 2019, 58, 9948-9953.
11. JA Finbloom*, IL Aanei*, JM Bernard*, SH Klass, SK Elledge, K Han, T Ozawa, TP Nicolaides, MS Berger, MB Francis. Evaluation of three morphologically distinct virus-like particles as nanocarriers for convection-enhanced drug delivery to glioblastoma. Nanomaterials. 2018, 8; 1007-1019 *These authors contributed equally
10. JA Finbloom, MB Francis. Supramolecular strategies for protein immobilization and modification. Curr. Opin. Chem. Biol. 2018, 46; 91-98
9. JA Finbloom, K Han, CC Slack, AL Furst, MB Francis. Cucurbit[6]uril-promoted click chemistry for protein modification. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2017, 139; 9691-9697.
8. CC Slack*, JA Finbloom*, K Jeong, CJ Bruns, DE Wemmer, A Pines, MB Francis. Rotaxane probes for protease detection by 129Xe hyperCEST NMR. Chem. Commun. 2017, 53; 1076-1079. *These authors contributed equally
7. JA Finbloom, K Han, IL Aanei, EC Hartman, DT Finley, MT Dedeo, M Fishman, KH Downing, MB Francis. Stable disk assemblies of a tobacco mosaic virus mutant as nanoscale scaffolds for applications in drug delivery. Bioconjugate Chem. 2016. 27; 2480-85
6. MD Gomes, P Dao, K Jeong, CC Slack, CC Vassiliou, JA Finbloom, MB Francis, DE Wemmer, A Pines. 129Xe NMR relaxation-based macromolecular sensing. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2016. 138; 9747-50
5. K Jeong, C Netirojjanakul, H Munch, J Sun, JA Finbloom, DE Wemmer, A Pines, MB Francis. Targeted molecular imaging of cancer cells using MS2-based 129Xe NMR. Bioconjugate Chem. 2016. 27; 1796-1801
4. JA Finbloom, CC Slack, CJ Bruns, K Jeong, DE Wemmer, A Pines, MB Francis. Rotaxane-mediated suppression and activation of cucurbit[6]uril for molecular detection by 129Xe hyperCEST NMR. Chem. Commun. 2016. 52; 3119-22
3. TJ Moyer,* JA Finbloom,* C Feng, DJ Toft, VL Cryns, SI Stupp. pH and amphiphilic structure direct supramolecular behavior in biofunctional assemblies. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2014. 136; 14746-52 *These authors contributed equally
2. H Nakashima, K Miyake, CR Clark, J Bekisz, J Finbloom, SR Husain, S Baron, RK Puri, KC Zoon. Potent antitumor effects of combination therapy with IFNs and monocytes in mouse models of established human ovarian and melanoma tumors. Cancer Immunology Immunotherapy. 2012. 61; 1081-92
1. S Baron, J Finbloom, J Horowitz, J Bekisz, A Morrow, T Zhao, S Fey, H Schmeisser, C Balinsky, K Miyake, CR Clark, KC Zoon. Near eradication of clinically relevant concentration of human tumor cells by interferon-activated monocytes in vitro. J Interferon and Cytokine Research. 2011. 31; 569-73