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News and Media

January 2023. Joel moves to Vancouver and opens up the lab at UBC!

June 2022. Joel attended the 2022 Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting on Chemistry in Lindau, Germany.

June 2021.  Joel attended the 2021 Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting on Interdisciplinary Research. Young scientists and Nobel laureates met to discuss new approaches to interdisciplinary research. Due to COVID-19, the 2021 meeting was held online.  Link

June 2020.  Joel's graphical abstract on treating cystic fibrosis lung infections is selected as a semifinalist for the Biorender graphical abstract contest. Link

April 2020.  Joel is one of three postdocs selected for the inaugural cohort HIVE Fellows. Link 

September 2019.  Joel competes as a finalist in the 2019 UCSF Postdoc Slam TED Talk Competition. Link


Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of British Columbia

Desai Lab, University of California San Francisco

Francis Lab, University of California Berkeley

Stupp Lab, Northwestern University

Kathryn Zoon, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, NIH

Health Innovation Via Engineering, UCSF Initiative to Strengthen Engineering in the Health Sciences

Bay Area Scientists in Schools, Outreach Opportunities for Bay Area Scientists

UCSF STEM Career Day, Science Outreach and Awareness for Bay Area Students

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